NID-HCA Palmdale – Serving in the Entire Palmdale
Cedric Age, Branch Office Manager

Branch Location : 520 Palmdale Blvd Ste J, Palmdale, CA, 93551

Contact Number: 661-526-4013

Branch Manager Email Address: [email protected]

Click here to set-up an appointment  

The thought of loosing our home was sometimes debilitating. There were days I could not do anything productive. Sleep became my best friend. I knew my daughter was concerned too, there was not much I could say to her. During the pandemic, we were faced with becoming more behind on the mortgage with every passing day. Finally, I picked up the phone and called HUD. They sent me a list of documents needed for us to receive assistance. Already overwhelmed with documents from the mortgage company, trying to adjust to the move back to California, and a plethora of other stuff going on in our lives I procrastinated about the documents. 

Additionally, I was thinking another government agency that did not care if we live in the streets or not. I was certain I was wasting our time.

One day I decided to complete the package from HUD. After a couple of weeks, I received my first call from Cedric Age. What a difference a day makes. Cedric was so kind, compassionate, and knowledgeable. We went over the documents in the package, and he even allowed me to rant about my current situation, he also said it was ok for me to call him Cedric, although he always referred to me as Mrs. Flowers.

Some topics we discussed were budgeting, how and why to budget, the importance of a decent credit score and one of my primary concerns the “F” word, FORECLOSURE. Cedric showed me that he actually cared, and that HUD was there to help us avoid foreclosure.


“Don't settle for average. Bring your best to the moment. Then, whether it fails or succeeds, at least you know you gave all you had.”

- Angela Bassett

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